About Us

Carbon Capture & Commercialization (CC&C) and its subsidiary, Carbon Capture LLC, is a US based global company formed in 2019 in Tampa, Florida to pursue alternative materials, methods and processes to develop more cost efficient Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) technologies & outcomes.


Headshot, Fernando Sanchez, CC&C

Fernando Sanchez
Managing Director Operations

  • Cuban born,
    naturalized 1975
  • Successful business executive from private start-ups to major public corporations
  • Created 10,000 jobs over career
  • Top graduate in engineering (BSME) and business management (MBA)
Headshot, Samir Adams, CC&C

Sam (Samir) Adams
Managing Director Technology

  • Kuwaiti born, naturalized 2007
  • Successful engineering executive from start-ups to major public corporations
  • Engineering Leader, Business Speaker & Author
  • Top graduate in engineering (BSC&E) and business management (MBA)
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